Dear Homeschool Families, We are writing to ask you to take immediate action to oppose HB 19-1312 School Immunization Requirements. Click here to take immediate action! HSLDA has stated that "HB 19-1312 would impose significant and unreasonable burdens on all families in Colorado relating to the reporting of exemption or compliance with immunization regulations. The bill would also affect all homeschoolers regardless of whether they seek an exemption from immunization." Although CHEC neither encourages nor discourages parents from immunizing their children, we oppose all attempts by the state to interfere with parents deciding what is best for their children especially when the state seeks to require burdensome paperwork or create databases to track its citizens. Below is a list of what you need to do to oppose this bill. This is time sensitive and WE HAVE HOURS TO ACT.
God help us!
Steve Craig CHEC Executive Director Carolyn Martin CHEC Homeschool Legislative Liaison
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